We talk of the Hero Journey in Myths and Legends.

I did not realise I was on that path until I came back from drinking Ayahuasca.

My first time drinking Ayahuasca was one of the biggest I’ve ever gone through.
I cannot even express it.
Yet it shaped me for the long run.
I’m glad I went through it.
Because Ayahuasca told me many things that I wasn’t aware of.
Not just Visions.
She let me know through the threads of the Dynamics of Power & the presence of many supremacies that were in the AIr.

Supremacy is what will shoot so many countries in the foot and then 6 feet under.
One of the biggest problems in this world.

When I flew back, my Vision started to come on heavy.
The Visions settled down after a week or two and then a Wave of Visions came on 5 nights in a row of the same place.
Waking up each night and morning on my own, realising I’m the only one who can get my self through it.
It’s not the first time.
I saw it as a test of mental will power and character.

You’ve made it this far to read my story.
Are you going to finish it?






I was settling in the new apartment when I flew back to the UK. 2023.
My first Visions were in the Ayahuasca ceremony and when I was in contact with the Surfers.

This night around October 2023.
I went to bed after finishing up for the day.

At the end of my bed, there was a Mirror facing me in the structure of the bedroom.
I woke up inbetween my sleep state into a Visionary State.

A Silence that was not from the Living replaced the entire atmosphere.

I felt my entire sense of attention being pulled into the Mirror where I saw myself sat up in my bed.
As I looked at myself into the Mirror, my head began to turn around to the back of my body as a Demon appeared as my head.
Coming out of complete darkness into a hazy infrared orange, this Demon appeared as Me.

I watched my head turn around , as the Demons head turned around on my body, this Clock with no hands appeared as my face.
Turning around into this orange trance haze of a burning mist, the Demons head appeared again, rotating until my head returned.
The darkness and haze disappeared leaving me back where I was staring at myself in the mirror.

I woke up after that Vision, breathing deep in complete silence.

The level of intensity on my psyche broke past limits into areas I did not know was even possible.
Reflecting heavy on what that was.
Weighing the scales on how incredible that was to see as just an observer to philosophically contemplate what that was about.

I woke up in the morning just contemplating on what that was, I was still breathing through how strong that Vision came on, it practically burned in.
That’s the first time I’ve ever seen a Demon.
As an Artist, it’s something I see many perspectives on.

There was a personal connection to what was being shown to me as it was the start of another 4 nights of those kinds of Visions.
The way I interpret what I was being shown came to me as a “Time to show you.”

When I looked on social media and through what was happening in the world as those 5 nights unfolded, the world started to enter into conflict.

The Vision was pretty personal at the time and I saw a wave of movements throughout the world from both the Political to the Religious.
I sat with those 5 nights because I just knew to just hold on to what I was going through.
In these time where it’s thriving in end times talk, I still look towards the future.

Some nights I was waking up in sweats, migraines and dehydration.
My mental states to get back into rountine was in a good state when I woke up in the morning.
Thankfully I do a lot of ground work to keep mentally strong & physically fit.

There was some moments I had to confront alone.
To recover and listen to what I was being shown without coming to an instant conclusion.

This is all deeper work in Soul growth with Lessons.
How you interpret what your shown relates to you and what areas come up to heal yourself on your own way.


Design are in the first stages.



First stage of Design



First stage of Design

I rearranged the bedroom by moving the bed to an area of the room after the first night.
I slept in the living room to feel a sense of comfort.
You probably do this to.
There’s something about the Living room Sofa where all the good times are and Memories.
You just feel it in that zone.

The second night, I fell asleep on the Sofa and then this Darkness appeared in this Hazey Infrared Mist came through in a Vision.

This Deep deep apocalyptic place appeared with endless thunderous skies that appeared, where an endless Desert surrounded me in a place where life of where we are currently living is not present, as a wind of complete wastes land blew.

That man you see is me.

I was able to see my self in a few perspectives, as I went through that experience while being in a first person point of view.
In that experience I was shown areas of what state I was in and where the damage was.
Heavy lessons and internal states of where people Betrayed me on my path and heavy states of Abandonment.

There was no one there in that experience.
Just the feeling of sand that blew over me as I felt no one.

It’s tough for me to just express what I’ve gone through and moments like these are when you just have to sit with what you go through.

I’ve lost a lot of people that I love and there’s people I have not met that my love goes all the way to Heaven from what I’ve seen.
When I woke up the next morning, that one hit hard.

The artwork just looks like a picture to you.
What you see in the picture is what I went through.

Yet, what I learned in that place was a lesson shown to me, on how to heal myself.
I spent the rest of the day just breathing and working out without thinking to much about it.

All I know is, that when I went to that place, I came back with keys to know.
A review where about’s on my lifetime these areas connected to that experience.
Where about’s the step in to lift my self up.

I believe its how you look at it and how you take it.

A sense of punishment wasn’t dished out to me.
Yet, I can see the space down there for the one’s who have it coming.

Looks like what your Soul and your actions are in this lifetime is what will be weighed with what was behind your intention.

I’m glad I went, to know how I can be stronger than the ones who put me through it.
Because when I’m finished in this lifetime, I know where I get to go.




First stage of Design



First stage of Design

After coming back from an Endless Desert in a wind that blew so empty that all I felt was my own breathe holding me.
Abandoned where the sand slowly piled up around me, holding on to the feeling of everything turning to dust.

I sat with that all day when I woke up.

I don’t think you will ever know the feeling until you go there and how real that place is.

What it’s looking like in 2024, it’s more like when your going there.


I continued with my day, just in a complete state of philosophical reflection on how heavy those Visions came on.

As what came through practically burned into Vision in a silent haze.
Incredible in the nature of seeing Visions yet just so Powerful to go into those places alone.

I spent all day just doing some breathing exercises, kettle bells weights and sketches in my sketchbooks.
Reflecting on areas of the people who were taken away from me.
Rolling around on the floor and on my knee’s breathing through growing pains, sitting through a lot of tears.
This is where the wounds were, yet now I’m able to sit with those areas and nurture where I was shown where to heal myself.

Since then I’ve been healing myself because that’s how you do the deep work.
We look to each other to heal one another while one of the main lessons is to learn how to heal yourself.

Unlike the one’s who don’t realise the consequences of their own actions and tongues.

Whatever is down there for you is waiting when your done.

The Soul is weighed with what the intentions were.
How that is dished out is going to be what’s on the Menu.

It’s going to be a one on one with who you are.

The following night.
I fell asleep on the sofa, the place of comfort at the time where I started to go through migraines, dehydration and just exhaustion.

As I fell asleep, this Dark shutter came through a Vision with a burning apocalyptic sky of Infrared Orange Mist with a Silence not of the Living.
The silence of being crossed over.

A man appeared in front of me.
Made of the Darkest of all Matter.

As soon as I entered this Vision, he appeared in front of me in a Black Distortion.
Waiting for me to realize.

In the background of the surroundings was an infrared apocalypse of complete endlessness.

When I realised he was there, it was like I was being told,

It’s time for you to begin.

As he moved away from my face,
Time distorted into a state of shutter motion, where what I was watching and feeling was Time and Space becoming stretched into a state of Eternity.

As he moved, he left a trail of delayed motion.

Leaving trails as time had become Eternal, where time and space distorts movement.

There was no sense of when I can go back, neither is their any memory of where you came from.
All that was, is what was being shown.

For me?
I did not feel punishment.
Just lessons.
Yet I can see the space for it down there.

As I moved, he moved.

What I felt was, whoever he was, trying to move away.

When I looked into his face, every face he showed was of many deceptions.

Each face was in a strobe of shuttered motion.
Appearing in and out of black distortion.

Leaving many sharp smiles, facial expressions and eyes to see which one will I fall for.

The more I did not fall for these, the more he pushed himself away.

When your in that place, the state of Eternity is a moment felt in the experience.
Sounds light and easy to read on a screen.

I woke up in the middle of the night in sweats, migraines, dehydration and breathing deep.

This was just the third night.

What I learned?
That not many people trust each other and many people break it.
People show many faces, yet the intention is always behind.

I learned so much about that place, where I know there’s areas in myself where I’ve learned to hold boundaries when ever I meet people.

Trust in my self to see it in others.

Deep work & deep philosophical insight came from this one.

I do a lot of groundwork mentally, diet maintenance and I keep physically fit.
I don’t know how anyone else would respond seeing those types of Visions.

This is why you must always sit with what you see & just be patient with how you interpret.




First stage of Design

The fourth and fifth night,

I realised every night was crossover and I did not know how long this was going to last for.
My mood was down just from being alone and how strong those Visions came on.

Thankfully, as Alchemical as always, I pay attention to the Organic to naturally boost my Moods.

I’ve heard about Sulphur being a way to clean Demons.
Not to sure where I heard about that.

While my Psyche was open in between the crossover and the wounds were ripe.
I ordered Organic Sulphur Powder.
Then mixed with Water, Honey and Lemons.

I drank this mixture for the rest of the weeks coming until my moods and Migraines went away.
It’s not something I’m suggesting, just at the time I went with my intuition.

The 4th and the 5th night came on in Visions of Passage ways and after this some other moments for my own interpretation.
As I fell asleep my Visions came on in the same place.

Dark matter & Dark Hazy Infrared Orange.

What I saw was two Demons looking at me on each side of me, surprised to see me as I was.
The next wave that came through I was deep down in a room of silence beyond the living where I was illuminated in White Light.

My hands were also Illuminated with Light.
There was 3 to 4 Demons infront of me.

What happened?

I don’t know how, neither do I understand how in a place like that I was Illuminated in Light.

My hands were infront of me shining light that began to burn these Demons away with the Light that came out of my hands.

I watched Demons burn in Light.

In the Light, the Demons were not able to escape.

The Light was strong that I was able to move the Demons.

Inside the light, I watched Demons silently crawling and rolling around as the light began to disintegrate these Demons from the inside out.

In the distance of the room, there was a door way where I shined the light to then blow them out of the doorway.

The power of the light in that moment showed me how easy it was to move Demons



The next Passage, that came as a wave, where I was shown another area of Hell.

I was shown a room where a man was frozen alive in Ice.

His eyes made contact with mine,
I watched him panic as he hyperventilated.

His eyes were bloodshocked in suffering as he was could not move.

Only his eyes that realised where I was standing and where he could not move.

While his body remained paralysed, with only a hand reaching to where he could not grasp, I watched his panic begin to rise.
I watched his eyes dilate as only a crack was only open for his mouth to breathe.

As I looked into the Ice, blood began to bleed through the cracks where I saw the body of the man beginning to pulse.

I remember thinking to myself as I stood there , he leaves, he does not belong here.

Looking back on that Visions, I was able to see the suffering.
My lessons came through as there are those who are internally suffering while some will go through suffering.

The next wave that came through as a passage way, where a long tunnel made of flesh, organs and blood in a thick red, hazy in disoriented wave of passages.
A Demon with the body similar to a Locust, cracked, torn and ancient was feeding on someone that I love on top of a stone Sarcophagus.

I was surprised to be shown someone that I’m connected to down there.
Because of how intense the Visions are and where you are, you don’t remember where you come from.
The experiences come on and you go through what your shown.

The lesson in that one?
That’s pretty personal.

Ever since that Vision, I’ve seen myself watching over her from the Spirit world.
When I see her in my visions and in between the crossover to the heavenly states, she will always be protected.
After I crossed over and came back from Hell, my Visions began to go higher into the afterlife in the light.

For me to even state that is not something I was even expecting to write about.
I believe our origins came from Apes, yet I’ve always believed the Soul is a Divine nature.
That’s just my perspective, doesn’t mean you have to believe it.
I believe it’s how you look at life.
How you look at who you are is what you see.

This is where Soul work comes, we do the work in the Spirit world.
When your in the Spirit world, everything is already done by higher guidance.
When you crossover, every time you visit the afterlife, you tap into divine lessons to who you are and what that connects to in your life.

The last passage way I went through was a large environment where the floor, and walls were made of flesh, blood and organs.
This tunnel way, there was a light at the end where these gigantean bodied gluttons, made of deformity with bulging flesh, stood in front of the light.
In that moment of passage, I was being shown how to leave and I remember consciously looking for a way out.

A moment came when the feeling of complete vulnerability came over me, a moment of your here now.
Becoming more real to be in front of such a nature.
I began hiding behind objects that were around the environment.
I was hiding to avoid eye contact with what was in front of me, anytime I felt the gaze looking on me, the eye contact made me feel disease.

The vision faded as I woke up.

After that 5 nights crossed over, I had some encounters later on just not in that place.
Since then there has been no returning crossovers into Hell.

What has been coming up through my visions is what is going on around the world.
That’s because of our collectiveness as one connected family through consciousness.

There’s a lot of challenges on the way.





THE SURFERS Afterlife & Guidance


PARALLEL REALITY Soulfriend from another reality