As far as I know, you are aware that I do Photography.
I work with Memory in Photography & I work in Photographic Memory.

This moment of Contact, with who came through that Vision,
Was a Woman.

This Vision in particular, was an experience that stays with me every day & night.
I did not know that was even possible.
Neither did I know that level of Intimacy was even possible.

My entire understanding of how far Memory goes & Higher states of Realities
was shown to me in that experience.

The Art I’m going to share with you is a Digital Photograph.
Probably the first of it’s kind of more to come.

I work from a photographic memory.

I’m currently working on developing the Digital Photo.
This is in the first stages.
Whoever she was, she does not leave my memory.

Before I entered the vision, there was a build up, that I felt through my entire body.

Usually the same checkpoints.

A vibration that went through my entire body & high pitched ringing going through my ears, a continuous frequency.

Usually I enter some kind of altered state when this happens,
like an Outerbody experience / remote viewing.

This night, was beyond anything I’ve ever seen.

The ringing did not stop and increased in magnitude.

At one point the ringing was so strong I was trying to fight it off to go back to sleep.
It sounds like Tinnitus.

It’s taken some time to get used to this.
Before I drank Ayahuasca, these altered states were uncomfortable to experience in my sleep states.
High pitched ringing while your asleep is incredibly irritating.

I realised the transition between the states have become fluid and clearer ever since drinking Ayahuasca, now I look forward to it.
The Medicine’s cleared some blockages for sure.

In between those states from the waking state and sleep states, there is a gap where there’s some kind of stage of transition.

When this Vision came on, it was a big one.

This tone came through my ears where I found myself fighting it off, the only way was to surrender.
Wasn’t able to fall back to sleep.

My entire sense of self was moved out of my body.
What did the transition looked like?

When you drop a stone in a pond.
Waves and ripples appeared in my field of vision, physically & mentally.

I entered this Golden liquid waved tunnel way of light, looked like water.
Through that shining water, this reality came through out of light.

As the experience unfolded,

The reality become clearer in clarity in complete pristine definition.
All around me was the interior of a giant Palace.

I was stood in front of a golden doorway that came through the light.
Out of the light, that was coming out of the doorway,

A woman walked through the light to greet me.

When we realised each other,
We made eye contact.

Both surprised to see each other.

We started to reach out to hold each others hands.
The intimacy was so strong.
I haven't felt a sense of intimacy like that in over 4 years.

To be greeted by someone from another reality was unexpected.

When we were still taking in
each other’s presence,
She told me: "I've seen you before"

When she said that,
my thoughts were also thinking.
"O my god, I know you.
O.My.God. I. Know. You.

She was incredibly familiar and I still don’t know her name.
It bugs me to this day.

How is that possible?

While we looked at each other we were both surprised.
We was just so happy to be in the presence of each other.

There was an overwhelming feeling of being in the presence of someone far more wiser.

The more I was there, the more I realised the reality was more real than the one we currently experience.
The longer I was there, the more familiar everything was.

Thus the sense of Memory expands in higher states of Dimensionality.

A full on contact experience and conversation.

This contact for myself personally, was a cemetery breaking moment & the most intimate experience I’ve ever experienced.
Beyond profound into a realisation.



What happened next?

She walked infront of me,

I asked her for some reason without knowing why.

”Are you teaching?”

She said:

She was about to show me somewhere into another room where these Pillars guided the way.

I wasn’t ready to see what was coming.

All I could do at the moment was stop and navigate into my own direction where ever I was.
As I was still taking in what I was seeing.

I reached out to grab her hand because all I felt come through me was an intuitive action to just sit somewhere.
In that exact moment the entire experienced changed.
When I turned around, there was one of the finest Sofa’s I’ve ever see, surrounded by big green houseplants on a marble floor and big rugs.

We sat down.
She laughed.

I was sat there just taking a breather before we continued while thinking where am I and how is this possible.
Still in absolute bewilder at how conscious I was.
Realising every second I‘m in a completely other reality.

It’s not like going to Disney land,
neither is it like going to another country.
It’s like being somewhere you’ve seen before, yet the familiarity of the place is more real than the reality you previously came from.

I know,
It’s a tough one to swallow.
Yet it happened.

I sat there taking that in while holding on to her hand.
She didn’t let go of my hand through the entire experience.
The feeling of knowing each other from somewhere just made the hand holding so much more infinite.
Out of all possiblity, this was happening.
Soulfriend to Soulfriend in an intergalatic moment of connection.
It’s an absolute Win.


and just felt this intimacy, as our realisation of each other was becoming more real.

Out of every Vision I've ever seen, this one is the one, I hold the closest to my heart.

I think about it pretty much every day.

Just like any conversation you have with someone you haven't seen in a long time, the presence of seeing each other was more than the words we shared.

We sat there just gazing waiting for who was going to say something.

What I noticed in the background was this ambience of conversations that have not been spoken before in all existence.
This reality was a place where the magnitude of questions, knowledge, exchange and understanding was growing to come through.

The surroundings was this giant golden palace with pink marble floors, with big green tropical plants that hung big leaves.

We held hands just smiling.

The anticipation was building to the point where the magnitude just hit a point where we just laughed.

She then said: "Let me do the talking."

As she said that, I felt the Vision ending.

I said to her: "I may not see you again."

I was watching our hands starting to let go as both of the parallels frequencies changed.

I hold that moment so close to me and always will.

I heard her voice say as the Vision ended:
"I felt like I was talking to a psychologist"

As the Vision ended, which was like a gold liquid pound with a stone being dropped in the middle creating ripples of how conscious awareness travels between our mental states.

I was reconnected to my body and opened my eyes looking around in my room.

The following morning.
I woke up sat on the edge of bed, breathing deep, getting ready to head to the gym with her on my mind all day and night.

I was contemplating all day how is that possible.

How has she seen me before?
How is she that familiar?
How come I don't know her name, yet we've met already?

She was a Soul Friend who when we came back to see each other, we remembered.
We was so glad to see each other.
That's the first time I've ever been greeted and spoken to in a Vision like this.
To be told by someone walking through a golden door way of light “I’ve seen you before”
Was out of the unexpected and into exploration.

I've always believed in Soul connections.
It changed my entire perspective on life after this experience. and how I talk to people.

Maybe we will meet again. I have so much patience to listen to what she has to say and so much to ask.
Being here in Life knowing there’s more out there than what we currently understand just opens those arms to bring in something much more closer to our hearts rather than our minds.

I miss her all the time.

I’m still working on the designs to bring in what I came from.





