Designs in progress

I’ve spent many years Meditating & Intimate Fasting just to maintain a better state of mind and sport perfomance.
All the way through those sessions, I completely forgot about Nirvana/Moksha.
I remember people talking about the place.


How I got there?
I was surprised as I am even writing about that place.
One of my Visions came through while I was asleep.

This was at least a month after I drank Ayahuasca.
The Art work I'm designing is in the first stages of design.

Read on for the rest of the experience.
While I was there, I was greeted by 3 Hindu Ladies.

Designs in progress


Designs in progress


What came to my thoughts in that place was how conscious your sense of self remains.
I remember thinking, “Where am I”

As the vision unfolded, I was sat on this giant clock where I was playing my guitar.

Then someone spoke to me and said:

”Hey Zach”

I turned to my left and there were these absolutely stunning Hindu Ladies waving at me.
One of the ladies said “ Oh he’s a hunk!”

Could not believe what I was seeing and I was just in awe that I was being spoken to.

Like I’ve mentioned already, I’ve done a lot of Soul Journeying & heavy states of Meditation.
I completely forgot about Nirvana being a place people spoke about. To go there is going to a place of complete paradise.
Complete Bliss & Peace.

I was contemplating while we greeted each other
"How do you know my name?”

While I sat there
on a giant clock,
playing the guitar.

Just no words at the time, no choice other than what was being shown to me.

The entire time I was there, this landscape was a place where hills of greenery vanished into the mist, blue skies and a strong feeling of community where people come.

The Hindu Women did not stay to long, only came to greet me while I was there and then continued their walk as we said goodbye and laughed.

It was like being in a park, that kind of social ground.
There was a strong feeling of being in the presence of the wise and humorous.

Another repeating checkpoint for me is in these Visions:

Is when I’m greeted,
there’s people who already know me.

That is beyond.


Designs in progress


PARALLEL REALITY Soulfriend from another reality
