Design in first stages

As I was asleep

Again, this frequency started to come through my ears, as I felt the vision becoming stronger, this bright light appeared with a door way.
A heavenly state of Vision from the Light.

There was 2 cats that walked through.

When I saw the first Cat,

I felt this feeling of “ Wow, I want that Cat”

Naturally, any Cat enthusiast understands the connection.

Anyways, it was like a test.

The Cat was showing me how amazing they look and to just take my attention.
The Cat was stunning.
Then out of the door way, this 3rd Cat walked through.

That Cat?

Was a Cat I knew with one of the strongest connections I’ve ever experienced with a Cat.

She was called Pippy.



She walked right up to me and sat down.
When we looked at each other, I came down to her level and she told me through her thoughts.

Her thoughts?

Yeah, you read it right.

I was able to hear what she wanted to say through her own thoughts.

She said:

”I’ve missed you.”

I haven’t seen you in so long, where have you been?”

I’ve not seen that Cat in 4 years.

When she said told me this, I knelt down to meet her at her body level and placed my head on her head.

I said to her:

”I’ve missed you to,

I’m so glad to see you,

it’s been a long time hasn’t it.”

What it felt like was a test,
because I could have just been distracted by the brand new cat, instead the Vision was showing someone who really loved me.

Who was showing me through a Vision felt like someone in a Divine and Benevolent nature.

It was so powerful and I miss her all the time.

Honestly, to see her again was a blessing.

Being told by my Cat that she misses me, was a personal experience.

I’m sharing it with you because there’s more to the animals and always has been.

This was after the planet medicine, Ayahuasca shows you many area’s because she knows you and all of her Jungle.

What can you learn from that?

• Your Animals think about you as you do to them.

• That Cat is still alive as far as I know, to come through that way was like talking to her Spirit in a higher state of communication.





BIG NATIVE Spirit Guides
