Designs in concept

Overtime, these states and experiences came through in ways where what I found to be more of how the Soul begins to understand it’s nature as we grow in a physical Body.

My first experience in an Outer Body state was when I was a baby.
I remember feeling my Soul coming out of my body and being conscious in that state.

How the Soul moves is free from grounded motion. I found myself floating around the room until I felt my self floating down the stairs.
The entire time I went through the experience it felt like I was being guided and cared for by someone. Some kind of over Soul guiding the experience.

I felt the depth of the stairs begin to fall as I went down them, slowly rotating as my sense of self began to move around in the air.
As I floated down the landingway, I went into the Living room.
The living room fire was still burning as I flew around in the dark, eventually I flew around the living room table and back out of the room.
I came back to the stairs and returned up to where my body was fast asleep.
Below is a photographic memory designed in graphics.



Designs in concept

Ive gone through many Outerbody States where in some stages only the state of Awareness was the only experience. I call these the remote viewing states that you’ve heard people talk about. It’s a sense of navigating to locations and in some moments in multiplistic states of observation as one perspective attention in an area of the current surroundings that appears in the experience. Like being in a room where you can see multiple states of perspectives of observation as one. Some I’d look from the corner of the wall while looking from the point of view of the ceiling and then from where my body is fast asleep yet I’m consciously aware. That kind of nature.

Recently in 2024, I entered a state of Remote viewing where I turned around and realised I was face to face with a UAP.
Looked like the Visitor was on Earth also.
When I realised the ship, this strong state of what felt like a magnetic interlocking in a telepathic state came through, a moment of connection of each others awareness.

That’s the first time I’ve ever experienced this.

I’ve heard about UAP’s and the Interdimensional bringing a state of telepathy in a lot of testimonies, talks and conversations in the times we live in.
From what I’ve felt and the reoccurrence of the visitation is how present that nature is.

I talk about the UAP experiences later one, for now let me bring it back into the OuterBody Experience.

I went through a few years of absolute heartbreak and around 3/4 years of no Sex.

Eventually, a friend that I’ve known for a long time, together we built trust over time and continued having strong amounts of Sex.
This one night we spent the entire night together in complete intimacy.

When you have incredible and healthy Sex, you naturally start to fall asleep from feeling so much pleasure.
I was going through a really hard time previously,

The amount of pleasure and intimacy that night chemically brought on an Outerbody Experience.

One of the most powerfullest experiences I’ve ever gone through was this one.

I felt myself falling asleep after we both turned over and I could not keep my eyes open as much as I wanted to.

That’s how good the Sex was.

I was so relaxed that my body was making me go to sleep.

That’s how powerful large amounts of Dopamine can be.

I felt my self falling asleep.
As soon as my eyes closed, I realised I was able to see through my eyelids even though I was asleep…..

I know.
What the fudge?!

I remember thinking to my self and realising I’m conscious,
”Wait, wtf what….I’m asleep yet I’m awake.”

As soon as I realised I was awake while asleep?
This tone began to ring from my ears and a vibration from the ends of my toes all the way through my entire body began to vibrate.

This tone was like a radio dial tuning from a low end vibrational frequency, all the way to a high point of sound.
The experience was the equivalent of a rocketship leaving the earths atmosphere.

That’s how powerful I’m talking

Neither am I joking.

In that exact moment, this light appeared and I shot through as my entire state of self/my Soul was launched out of my body and through this tunnel way of light.

Previously, I was fast asleep, naked and vulnerable in one of the best ways possible.

To be launched out of my body was the last experience I was expecting.

What happened next?

I appeared over a Mountain.

The amount of adrenaline that I felt in that moment was beyond inexpressible.

There is no difference to climbing to the top of a Mountain and appearing above one.
I’ve been up hills and smaller mountains before.
It’s the time it takes to get there and how you get there.

I was in complete state of awe and beauty while being absolutely terrified.

My Soul was in the Sky, flying through this magnitude of scenery.

All away around me was this range of mountains in a glittering dark sky of stars.
When I looked around the landscape, the feeling of the drop from where I was made the entire moment almost overwhelming to even be there,

All the way down to a river that ran through the canals was glimmering from the reflection of the midnight lights from space.
Glittering the icecaps, frost & rivers.

Scenery in complete blissful natural beauty.

As I flew, I felt my self breathing in all awe from being in the presence of an experience that broke past what I currently understood.

The experience began to end.

I don’t know who and how, what happened though was someone threw me back into my body like a slamdunk.

From that height of navigation, into an instant simultaneous moment of reconnection to my body.

I felt my self jolt in the reconnection.
i woke up to see all these tiny magical stars around my gaze as though I was knocked out.

My heart rate was beating rapidly as I’ve just come back from somewhere and my knuckles were white from the amount of magnitude shown in that moment. I was breathing deep and slowly coming back to catch my breathe.

I could not believe what I’ve just come back from.

I led there thinking and deeply breathing wanting to wake my friend up to tell her what I’ve just been through, yet there was no words to even match the state to express it.

What I learned?
Some experiences are that powerful that all you can is surrender to what is being shown to you.


