The progression on creating sound is on going.

Bringing in an absolute MONSTER of a sound takes some time and production.

There's so many places and experiences that will be up and coming on this area.
Equipment & video logs.

Being in studios & practice grounds….over time, crushes you in pressure to transmutate, into stronger potential.
From live performances, rehearsing in industrial warehouses, professional atmospheres and home based set ups, a broad mixture of environment shapes you to dive deeper into a variety of sound.

I will be updating the progression.
There were many places undocumented.
When you grow a sound, it’s kind of like growing another skin, either to shed it or the skin becomes thicker.

A kind of evolution.

For photography services, digital marketing & advertisement, Studio assistance/Collaborations
Please contact me to arrange a booking & call.

All work is copyrighted and done by ©ZachDario


Plants & Flowers

